Firm Profile & Leadership Team


NAV Valuation & Advisory LLC was founded to deliver the highest level of superior client service, transparency, and diversified financial advisory.

Building upon the multidisciplinary record and expertise of President Justin Kuczmarski, MBA, CPA, CVA, ABV, CIRA within investment valuation, financial and forensic services, and M&A investment banking, our team strives to deliver leading services in a timely and client-focused fashion.

We feel advisory specialization can and should occur across multiple service offerings. The financial advisory can be complex, and financial advisory services' delivery demands a holistic, unified perspective. 

Simply put, we leverage our multidisciplinary backgrounds to analyze engagements from various vantage points. 

For instance, our valuation expertise is enhanced by real-world M&A execution. This edge may sound simple, but the vast majority of valuation experts have never actually completed any of the steps in an M&A auction, divestiture, or initial public offering. Would you ever utilize a real estate broker to value property if he or she has never sold a property?

Why does this dichotomy exist for other firms? Many of our competitors, including leading investment banks and advisory firms, often bifurcate financial advisory, which occasionally attracts very "academic" and introverted experts, from M&A investment banking and its focus on deal professionals cultivating external relationships.

Even more counter-intuitive is how some litigation advisory support firms push expert litigation consultants who will eventually not testify. This added layer may even create an "expert gap," weakening credibility and overall consistency when a unified, one-stop expert delivery is often the key to litigation success.

At NAV, we feel a narrowly-focused, "one-nail, one-hammer" mindset is not sufficient to deliver results in a client's best interest.

For clients large and small, we passionately believe our multi-faceted advisory dynamic is more client-focused and more effective and efficient from the standpoints of speed, reduced fees, and one-stop knowledge transfer. 

Our team strives to provide a more Integrated Advisory Experience (TM) blending expert capabilities within a single engagement by a single team or professional. Contact us today to learn more about our capabilities and professional service offerings.

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